New Sketchbook on the Website

I put another sketchbook on my website today. Check it out. That page is pretty much maxed out with books now, with a range from 2005 to current.


  1. another great addition to your collection of sketchbooks! Enjoyed seeing the collection together. Merry Christmas

  2. Anonymous3:35 AM

    thank you!! I don't know how I missed visiting your website?! It's definitely going in my favorites:)

  3. Thanks Joseph and Trish. Glad you like them. :)

    Happy Holidays!

  4. These sketchbooks are an incredible compendium of your talent. I really like the presentation, too.
    Beautiful, beautiful work.

  5. Thanks Rock Kyndl. Your drawings are beautiful as well - especially love that 'draw a beverage' post, edm 69 :)


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