a warthog kind-of-day

oil on canvas, 9"x12"


  1. Wow, these are great! I love oil... I wish I could use oils in the house.

  2. these feel so surreal, lol
    they look amazing though, i only paint expressively so i couldn't even begin to comment on this piece.

    nice work!

  3. haha, yeah, I also think the oil painting feel surreal. Kind of like Uncle Warthog sat for a portrait. These were fun to make though. There's a lot of cool things I've been learning just by getting more brush mileage. That top image is watercolor, guess I should have mentioned that.

    thanks much guys!

  4. I dont like oils ,that elephant doodle Rocks!! nice job (dont tell me thanks)which elephant do you prefer? the Asian or the Africano?
    Dont tell me both ..you have to choose.

    Over ,Under Side to Side and Out..Houston do you read me?? hell..ooo...fjwefewfgk wrk fwk g......................................................................... .. ..

  5. I like the African elephant with the super huge ears the best. But definitely the Asian elephant has its own charm. For choosing - I go for the Africano.

    sssccchhhh...schhh...roger, roger

  6. lol i actually made the schhh sound when i read it.

  7. Wow! Those warthogs pretty much rock. =) I like how the bottom one sort of looks a bit foggy or hazy or maybe like the warthog was running around stirring up dust. Either way it looks pretty sweet.

  8. glad you like them Michael! I'm so glad it looked dusty to you, that was my intention with the haze, thanks for your thoughts!


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