Got promotions out in the mail, and confirmation of art that got to places it should have. Feeling accomplished and happy about all the possibilities in the world. Topped off with a super fun bike ride to the park, and coming home tired makes it all worth the effort put in. I have some walnut ink in my waterbrush pen to give some life to my sketchbook drawing while I was out, and I like the results! Feels better to me than leaving it a simple ink drawing.
This is great. I love how you left the bushes empty... it almost makes it look like the buldings are a torn sheet of paper placed over another sheet of paper. Fantastic effect. Even if unintentional.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, check out that book, it's like $11.
What's cool about the Samurai stuff, is how much the Japanese relate swords to brushes, and vice versa. Again, as an artist, it's interesting to think about the sword stuff as a brush.
Best of luck Ester! You've got the skills to pay the bills, of course we both know that's not the only thing that drives creativity and the making of art. I liked reading your musings on finding peace (and of course the illo was wonderful). Ego is an interesting thing, both a good and bad force. I think it's all about keeping it in check and constantly finding that balance.
ReplyDeleteI think as an artist, you need some kind of ego... or at least confidence. Though, they might be the same thing. Certainly similar, right?
ReplyDeleteI like your negatively painted (or not painted actually) trees. I always like painting/drawing negative space around objects to make them appear even though I merely drew around them.
ReplyDeletewell, it's a good question if ego and confidence are the same thing, and I don't think they are, for the reason that often, when I put ego aside and focus my energy outside of my own worries or concerns, I feel like I can see the world for exactly what it is (like when you are drawing, you see the shapes exactly as they are, rather than seeing your preconceived idea of how a face should look or "beautiful". You see the parts that make up the total of that object for exactly what they are - not seeing through your own ego filter). And if I see the world for what it is, I feel much more confident about the "right and wrong" of it all, confident about how to make decisions that are not influenced by selfishness. I can look at my own art and view it as it is, no prejudice about the fact that it's "mine", so I have to be humble about it, or that I have to downplay it, etc. I can just view it all minus ego, allowing for confidence in decisions. Maybe it's a little like NOT identifying myself with my emotional attachments to things.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Steve, Michael, and Sail! I played with the sketch in illustrator after I came home, adding some additional color to the sky and stripes. I like the idea of a separate sheet of paper on there. I love hearing what interests others about the art, it's like getting to look through someone else's eyes for a quick second.
I love how you described the trees by describing the buildings around them. Well done!