

  1. I really really like the stuff you've been posting lately. The bottom image of the child is terrific... just wow!

  2. Good posts. I like the orange painting. Quick question, the egyptian sketch, are you going to a museum, using photos, or just pictures in your head? Just curious. I wish we had a better natural history museum here to go sketch in.



  3. I do have a million photos from the nearest museum that I reference occasionally, but this was not part of that. I recently heard of a travelling egyption exhibition that is supposed to be really great, so I went to their website and was really inspired to draw some egyptian statues

    This particular drawing was from a different photo from a different website, and I use photos all the time to reference for my own practice at drawing. But just about everytime, I find my best drawings come from photos that I've taken myself. I'm really conscious of taking my own photos for work-related art so as not to have copyright issues.

    If you're up for the vacation, the MET in NY has a huge amount of great egyptian artifacts. I walked thru for 4 hours just in that one (corner) of the museum. It's huge.


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