loose charcoal

I wanted to "loosen up" today, so I figured that charcoal would do the trick.


  1. Wonderful. I love their expressions ... what are they thinking?

  2. thanks! I'd say the glamour girl at the top is wondering where her dry martini is about now, and the guy on the bottom is pondering whether or not he should move his car out from the hail storm...(oh, that was my thought today...I guess he can have it too).

  3. I sooo wanna get dirty in charcoal now. It's been forever. These are beautiful. Are they from life--friends, models?

  4. glad you like these :) They are from photographs, I think one is a model (the girl), the other from a street photo. I did these in my sketchbook and I use transparent tape to cover them up so that I don't get the whole book messy. It works like a charm

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    These are lovely, and charcoal is so much fun! I agree - a perfect way to "loosen up."

  6. Great charcoals. I really love the expressions too. I was thinking sort of a "where's my car?" on the second one. I guess it's the lastest percussion instrument for the thunder storm symphony.



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